1031 Exchange

Property held for productive use or investment may be exchanged and the tax deferred under Internal Revenue Code Section 1031. A 1031 Like-Kind Property is real property exchanged for any other real property within the United States or possessions used in business, trade or investment purposes.


1031 Property Is

  • Commercial,
  • Duplexes,
  • Rental Home,
  • Vacation Homes,
  • Apartments,
  • Raw Land,
  • Condominiums,
  • Second Homes

1031 Property Is Not

  • Personal Residence
  • Vacation Homes that are not used as rental or income properties

State Title Escrow, Inc. and an accommodator/qualified intermediary, such as ours, Exchange Enterprises, Inc., aid the taxpayer in the completion of the exchange of one property for another in a format that qualifies under IRS Section 1031. In lieu of paying tax at the time of sale, the tax is deferred. Deferred tax is same as an interest-free loan from the government.


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